Clifton James

Find Clifton James movies and shows streaming in New Zealand

Poster for The Last Detail

The Last Detail

R18104 mins|87%87%
Two Navy men are ordered to bring...
Two Navy men are ordered to bring a young offender to prison, but decide to show him one last good time along the way.
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke

M126 mins|100%95%
Classic prison drama starring Paul Newman as...
Classic prison drama starring Paul Newman as a cool-headed inmate who riles up the rugged correctional system by actively defying it. Also stars George Kennedy and Dennis Hopper.
Poster for Live and Let Die

Live and Let Die

PG121 mins|67%64%
James Bond must investigate a mysterious murder...
James Bond must investigate a mysterious murder case of a British agent in New Orleans. Soon he finds himself up against a gangster boss named Mr. Big.
  • Apple TV Store
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Poster for Silver Streak

Silver Streak

M114 mins|76%71%
A scatty literary editor (Gene Wilder) on...
A scatty literary editor (Gene Wilder) on a rail trip from LA to Chicago becomes the prime suspect in a murder and enlists the help of a petty thief (Richard Pryor) when he's forced to go on the run from the police - and the killer - in this satirical comedy thriller.
  • Disney+
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