Eric Roberts

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Poster for Babylon


R18189 mins|57%52%
Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie star in...
Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie star in this comedic look at dirty Hollywood from Oscar-winning filmmaker Damien Chazelle (First Man, La La Land), set during the transition from silent films to talkies with a mixture of historical and fictional characters.
Poster for Head Full of Honey

Head Full of Honey

99 mins74%
Oscar nominee Nick Nolte plays man suffering...
Oscar nominee Nick Nolte plays man suffering from Alzheimer's who embarks on a final road trip with his granddaughter.
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Poster for The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)

The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)

R18103 mins|20%12%
The notorious shock-horror franchise reaches its third...
The notorious shock-horror franchise reaches its third and (hopefully) final film, set in an American prison where a dodgy warden becomes inspired after watching the first film...
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Poster for Runaway Train

Runaway Train

M110 mins|83%76%
Jon Voigt and Eric Roberts are escaped...
Jon Voigt and Eric Roberts are escaped convicts trapped on a moving train which has no brakes and nobody driving, in this 80s action thriller from director Andrei Konchalovsky (Tango & Cash, Dear Comrades!).
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for The Expendables

The Expendables

R16104 mins|42%64%
Sylvester Stallone's cameo-filled action film about a...
Sylvester Stallone's cameo-filled action film about a team of mercenaries heading to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator.
Poster for The Coca-Cola Kid

The Coca-Cola Kid

R98 mins|47%40%
An eccentric marketing guru visits a Coca-Cola...
An eccentric marketing guru visits a Coca-Cola subsidiary in Australia to try and increase market penetration. He finds zero penetration in a valley owned by an old man who makes his own soft drinks, and visits the valley to see why. After "the Kid's" persistence is tested he's given a tour of the man's plant, and they begin talking of a joint venture. Things get more complicated when the Coca-Cola man begins falling in love with his temporary secretary, who seems to have connections to the valley.
  • Netflix
Poster for The Specialist

The Specialist

RP16105 mins|10%29%
A woman (Sharon Stone) entices a bomb...
A woman (Sharon Stone) entices a bomb expert (Sylvester Stallone) she's involved with into destroying the mafia that killed her family.
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