Robert Preston

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Poster for Victor/Victoria


PG134 mins|97%86%
Screen greats Julie Andrews and James Garner star in...
Screen greats Julie Andrews and James Garner star in this 1982 disguise comedy about a struggling female soprano who finds work playing a male female impersonator, but it complicates her personal life.
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Poster for How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won

G164 mins|87%74%
How the West Was Won brings together...
How the West Was Won brings together four of the mid-twentieth century's most revered American directors and a star-studded cast to tell this sprawling frontier tale spanning five decades. Winner of Best Original Story & Screenplay, Sound and Editing at the 1964 Academy Awards.
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Poster for Mame


PG132 mins|36%48%
Musical centred around the antics of Mame...
Musical centred around the antics of Mame Dennis (Lucille Ball), a fun-loving, wealthy eccentric with a flare for life and a razor sharp wit.
  • Apple TV Store
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