Satire, drama and a touch of sci-fi rub shoulders in this anthology series that depicts the collision between the human...
Satire, drama and a touch of sci-fi rub shoulders in this anthology series that depicts the collision between the human condition and advancing technology in stand-alone, episode-length tales. From UK broadcaster, writer, humourist (and pessimist) Charlie Brooker. Brooker says of Black Mirror "each episode has a different cast, a different setting, even a different reality. But they're all about the way we live now – and the way we might be living in 10 minutes' time if we're clumsy."
First episode The National Anthem sees UK Prime Minister Michael Callow (Rory Kinnear) forced into a terrible decision when a member of the Royal Family is kidnapped and a ransom video with an obscene demand is posted to YouTube.
The Entire History of You takes social media to new heights by depicting a world where people have devices implanted that record everything they experience, something that can take a toll on past and present relationships when distrust and jealousy set in - as they do for married lawyer Liam (Toby Kebbell).
Be Right Back sees social media history used to construct facsimiles of the recently departed, allowing grieving Martha (Hayley Atwell) the chance to converse with her deceased partner - and develop a growing dependency that translates into material form.
White Bear is set in a world seemingly without order, where Victoria (Lenora Crichlow) wakes in a house with no idea who or where she is and begins to be chased by a group of masked attackers, while no-one intervenes except to record the pursuit on their mobile phones.
The Waldo Moment sets Waldo, a popular, foul-mouthed animated character from late-night TV, up against real political candidates in a by-election. First it is just for laughs and ratings, but then Waldo stands an actual chance of winning - even while the comedian behind the character starts to break down.
Black Mirror: The Collection | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence,offensive language,sex scenes and content that may disturb.
- Runtime
- 300
- Genre
- Drama, Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- UK