Comedy-drama set in Hawaii starring George Clooney and directed by Alexander Payne (Sideways, Election) - winner of Best Film (Comedy) and...
Comedy-drama set in Hawaii starring George Clooney and directed by Alexander Payne (Sideways, Election) - winner of Best Film (Comedy) and Best Actor at the 2012 Golden Globes.
Land baron Matt (Clooney) is an indifferent husband and father forced to reevaluate life and face some unsettling truths after his wife suffers a coma-inducing boating accident. A personal crisis envelopes Matt, including strained relations with his two daughters and the bombshell revelation that his wife was cheating on him.
Where to watch The Descendants
The Descendants | Details
- Award winner
- Best Film (Drama) and Actor (Drama), Golden Globes 2012. Best Actor (Clooney), Supporting Actress (Woodley) and Adapted Screenplay at the National Board of Review Awards 2011.
- Rating
- M, contains offensive language
- Runtime
- 115
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin