Made in Wellington, this effects-laden, apocalyptic tale about a group of young people dealing with the final days of life...
Made in Wellington, this effects-laden, apocalyptic tale about a group of young people dealing with the final days of life is the debut film of Edward Lynden-Bell. Alice is in her 20s, a graduate with a shitty job. Julian sells his soul to the devil's cousin. Zoe is attempting to overthrow corporate capitalism through counter-propaganda, while Greg is building a bomb. Josie’s just been sacked. Petulia, a 14-year old goth, has befriended Julian’s disembodied shadow… kind of. Meanwhile the sky is cracking apart, whales walk the earth, and a colossal tidal wave threatens to destroy the planet. And a bumble bee’s life hangs in the balance. It's complicated.
The Last Great Snail Chase | Details
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- New Zealand