Chris Pine

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Poster for Just My Luck

Just My Luck

PG103 mins|14%48%
A fairy tale styled, teen, chickity-flickity. Ashley...
A fairy tale styled, teen, chickity-flickity. Ashley (Lohan) is a Manhattan career woman who happens to be the luckiest gal on earth: money sticks to her shoes, she gets raises, she gets promotions, the rain stops as she steps outside...
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Poster for Star Trek (2009)

Star Trek (2009)

M122 mins|94%91%
Uber-nerd JJ Abrams (producer of Cloverfield, Lost,...
Uber-nerd JJ Abrams (producer of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias) brings us back to the early days of Star Trek, when the Starship Enterprise had that new-car smell and Captain James T Kirk still had acne problems.
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