An Instagram Diary Of HP48Hours (That We Had To Do In 30 Hours)

Last weekend was my 10th year competing in the 48Hours filmmaking competition (my 3rd as team captain). A third of marriages don’t last that long, so that shows you how much I love this competition.
It also shows you how old I’m getting. So in an impulsive act of age denial, I got on the Instagrammy and snapped every hour of our five-person team’s efforts.
You’d think that’d equate to 48 photos, but given half our team had to play in a sports tournament on the Sunday, that left us with the Friday and Saturday to make a 48Hours film. That’s 30 hours minus eight hours for sleep (I wasn’t going to Paranormal Activity myself) which resulted in these 22 ‘grams…
Friday 6:55pm-ish: The tension is palpable if you couldn’t tell by the dab.
8:00pm-ish: Got a story. Now to write it next to my bourbon and chocolate.
9:00pm-ish: Script’s done. Earned another beverage.
10:00pm-ish: Set up the recording booth (i.e. a laptop, microphone, and parts I ripped off a couch.
11:00pm-ish: Still recording with our actor.
12:00pm-ish: Bloody Jonathan Thurston got a conversion to send the game into overtime!
Saturday morning: Starting the day with the right attitude.
9:00am-ish: Something isn’t right with the audio but that’s OK because everything is OK.
10:00am-ish: Voice track: locked. This is basically our storyboard.
11.00am-ish: Found the perfect royalty free music.
Midday-ish: Welcome to our set.
1:00pm I think?: This is a crucial shot.
After 1:00pm, I guess: Fuel.
Saturday afternoon at some point: The edit… I can almost… feel it.
Still Saturday afternoon: Getting the hang of this directing thing.
Getting close to Saturday night: Our technical element.
Now it’s Saturday night: Still fine. Completely fine.
7:00pm: Halfway through the weekend and nothing is broken so cheers.
8:00pm-ish: Taking an 80min break.
After half time: Oh, you thought I was kidding.
Nearly Sunday: Got nostalgic. Now we’re watching our 2011 48Hours film while we wait for post-production stuff to finish.
Sunday 12.01am-ish: A message to my past self.