Our quiz has a winner, and they have a 65-inch Sony Android TV

FINAL UPDATE June 15: Thanks to everyone who tested their movie knowledge over the past ten weeks. However, in the words of an 80s movie (no points for guessing), “there can be only one”.
Congratulations to Andy Johnson, whose combination of skill and luck prevailed. Skill, because he was tied with other entrants for top points, and luck because we broke out a random number generator to select the winner.
Andy’s scored himself a superb 4K 65-inch Sony Android TV, with thousands of apps available on Android TV including Netflix, Prime Video, Mubi, Lightbox, Neon, Plex and Google Play Movies.
Each Tuesday, a new 10 question quiz will go live on Flicks. Scores will be collected week-to-week and whoever’s top of the leaderboard after ten weeks will be the proud owner of an awesome new Sony TV.
A few basic rules:
* You get one shot at the quiz each week – your first attempt will be the one we count.
* Scores for each individual quiz qualify for the official leaderboard (and prize) from the time the quiz goes live on a Tuesday until 9am the following Monday.
* In the event of a tied top score at the end of the promotion, a winner will be drawn at random from the top-scoring entrants.
* Flicks’ decision in relation to any aspect of the competition is final – including disqualifying entries we deem to have cheated, or for any other reason – and no correspondence will be entered into.
* This competition is open to residents of New Zealand only.
Take this week’s quiz:
Try your luck at week 7:
Try your luck at week five:
Try your luck at week four:
Try your luck at week three:
Try your luck at week two:
Try your luck at week one: