This Short Film for Intel Turns Your Screen Into an Action Film

Advertisers and creatives are often seen as enemies. A client can give annoyingly unrealistic conditions that artists somehow are expected to follow (Exhibit A). Likewise, creators can crap-paint a product’s image so bad that it leaves the client cleaning up a destructive PR hurricane (Exhibit B).
But sometimes, the marriage works beautifully and the results can be great to behold (Show Me Shorts provides Exhibits C, D, & E).
Six years ago, Intel got it right. I came across this wildly inventive two-minute chase scene that uses standard video, streaming video, still images, GPS services, text files, and more applications to depict the action. It’s a fast and furious flurry of Alt-TABing with a brilliantly downplayed conclusion.
Give it a watch below. Make it full screen if you’re at work and want to really confuse your boss.
Tickets are available for the Auckland Opening Night to Show Me Shorts. Get ’em from Ticketmaster.