"Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and four outstanding violinists are the threads that weave this exploration of how nature shapes who...
"Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and four outstanding violinists are the threads that weave this exploration of how nature shapes who we are. As spring reaches Tokyo, violinist Sayaka Shoji demonstrates to her young students the timeless lessons in the music and in their own culture. Niki Vasilakis and friends travel from all corners of Australia to the far north to share the music of summer with the Thursday Island Community. As the leaves turn, Cho-Liang (Jimmy) Lin and his neighbours reveal to us their New York City's vibrant, complex personality. Finally, in the icy reaches of Finnish Lapland, Pekka Kuusisto and his colleagues bring the warmth of music and human interaction to the small local community. A wonderfully rich documentary that sweeps you away with fascinating characters, fine music and glorious images." (Sydney Film Festival 2007)
4 | Details
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Documentary, Music
- Country of origin
- Australia, USA, Japan, Finland