French drama following a man's search for his biological family, only to end up in a dangerous situation. Stars Pierre...
French drama following a man's search for his biological family, only to end up in a dangerous situation. Stars Pierre Deladonchamps (Stranger by the Lake) and popular Québéc actor Gabriel Arcand.
"One morning, 33 year-old Mathieu (Deladonchamps) receives a phone call and discovers that his biological father was Canadian and has just died. He also learns that he has two brothers. Mathieu drops everything and leaves Paris in hope of reuniting with a part of his unknown family. But upon his arrival in Montréal, nothing goes as expected and Mathieu finds himself in hostile territory. His father’s best friend Pierre (Arcand) made a promise to keep his existence a secret. Will Mathieu finally get to meet his brothers and find out about his origins?" (Alliance Française French Film Festival)
A Kid | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence and offensive language
- Runtime
- 98
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France, Canada