French animated comedy from the director of Shark Tale. Set in Paris 1910, three friends and a monkey attempt to protect...
French animated comedy from the director of Shark Tale. Set in Paris 1910, three friends and a monkey attempt to protect an unfairly maligned monster - a giant, singing flea - from the authorities.
"Having unintentionally unleashed a mysterious monster from an eccentric scientist’s greenhouse, Emile the projectionist, Raoul the inventor and Lucille, an enchanting cabaret singer embark on this laugh-out-loud adventure... the ragtag gang encounters many colourful characters, including a sweet cinema ticket agent, a saucy nightclub owner and an irritable monkey who may be the best communicator of them all. " (Toronto International Film Festival)
Where to watch A Monster in Paris
A Monster in Paris | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Adventure, Comedy, Kids & Family, Musical
- Country of origin
- France