Documentary about a shocking story in Northern Ireland revolving around a dedicated mother, her two sons, and a shooting.
"Although the...
Documentary about a shocking story in Northern Ireland revolving around a dedicated mother, her two sons, and a shooting.
"Although the Troubles officially ended 20 years ago, the Derry community continues to be divided. The government and police hold little sway. When violent Republican powerbrokers accuse Phil of dealing drugs, his mother Majella has no choice but to take her teenage son to be shot in both legs. Sinéad O’Shea’s film, executive produced by Joshua Oppenheimer (The Act of Killing), explains how and why it happened." (Sydney Film Festival)
A Mother Brings Her Son to Be Shot | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence, offensive language, drug references & suicide references
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin
- Ireland, UK