Romantic period drama set in pre-WWI Germany, chronicling a simmering love triangle between an ailing factory owner (Alan Rickman), his...
Romantic period drama set in pre-WWI Germany, chronicling a simmering love triangle between an ailing factory owner (Alan Rickman), his young bride (Rebecca Hall), and his protégé (Richard Madden). The first English-language film French filmmaker Patric Leconte, inspired by the novella Journey into the Past by Stefan Zweig (whose work also served as inspiration for The Grand Budapest Hotel).
"Hoffmeister (Rickman) is an ailing factory owner, whiskered and respectable. As his energies flag, he looks to a sharp young man in his employ for help. Ludwig (Madden) impresses Hoffmeister with his reliability and youthful spirit, and the older man finds himself leaning more and more on this promising up-and-comer. At the same time, Hoffmeister's young bride (Hall) is looking for a tutor for their child, and Ludwig proves both flexible and willing. When he moves into their home, an emotional triangle develops. Societal dignity and decorum must be respected, and it is. Nevertheless, heated passions come into play, while Hoffmeister looks on. Unravelling over many years, this tale extends well beyond its set-up, and Leconte moves us through the emotional maze, making us aware of the complexities of feeling amongst all of the players." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Where to watch A Promise
A Promise | Details
- Rating
- M, Sex scenes
- Runtime
- 94
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- France, Belgium