Romance blossoms against the threat of deportation in this French drama, following a widowed asylum seeker who fled his war-torn...
Romance blossoms against the threat of deportation in this French drama, following a widowed asylum seeker who fled his war-torn home to give his kids a new life.
"The loss of dignity suffered by refugees is stamped on the face of Abbas. A respected teacher before fleeing war-torn Central African Republic a year ago, Abbas now supports his two young children by selling vegetables at a Paris market. Though still haunted by visions of his late wife, he’s found a comforting yet confronting spark of romance with Carole, a kind-hearted florist. But the risk of deportation and an agonising wait for his application for political asylum leaves Abbas in legal, financial and emotional limbo.
"Filmed in a Paris that’s rarely looked so unromantic, Haroun’s (Grigris) film delivers powerful social and political messages about those who’ve been cruelly cut off from the mainstream of life." (Sydney Film Festival)
A Season in France | Details
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- France