French family drama based on the novel by Oliver Adam, co-starring Audrey Tatou. One morning, Sarah (Tautou) vanishes, leaving her...
French family drama based on the novel by Oliver Adam, co-starring Audrey Tatou. One morning, Sarah (Tautou) vanishes, leaving her husband Paul (Benoit Magimel, Little White Lies) and their young son and daughter reeling, abandoned without a word as to her whereabouts or a clue about when she will return. As time passes, Paul anxiously tries to sustain some sense of normality. After a year, he reluctantly returns to his coastal home town in an attempt to start over.
Where to watch Against the Wind
Against the Wind | Details
- Rating
- M, contains sex scenes & offensive language
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France, Belgium