Documentary on Ben and Tas Pappas, the two Australian brothers at the forefront of vertical progression skating in the early...
Documentary on Ben and Tas Pappas, the two Australian brothers at the forefront of vertical progression skating in the early 1990s whose addiction to drugs took them from the pinnacle of their sport into a spiraling world of self-destruction. Directed by childhood friend and documentarian Eddie Martin.
In 1990 the young brothers went to the US for the first time to pursue their professional career. The Melburnians peaked at number one and two in the world respectively, but soon injuries, drugs and crime plagued their careers, resulting in eventual incarceration, deportation from the US and worse.
Where to watch All this Mayhem
All this Mayhem | Details
- Rating
- R16,
- Runtime
- 96
- Genre
- Documentary, Sport
- Country of origin
- UK, Australia