Jennifer Connelly (Noah) leads this drama from Oscar-nominated filmmaker Claudia Llosa, playing a mother who encounters her son (Cillian Murphy, Inception)...
Jennifer Connelly (Noah) leads this drama from Oscar-nominated filmmaker Claudia Llosa, playing a mother who encounters her son (Cillian Murphy, Inception) 20 years after she abandoned him. Co-stars Mélanie Laurent (Inglourious Basterds).
The history between this mother and son is marred by an accident that tears them apart. She will become a renowned artist and healer, and he will grow into his own as well as develop into a peculiar falconer who bears the marks of a double absence. In the present, a young journalist (Laurent) will bring about an encounter between the two that puts the very meaning of life and art into question...
Aloft | Details
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Spain, Canada, France