Black and white, rotoscope-animated drama from the Czech Republic, following a middle-aged train dispatcher plagued by haunting visions of the...
Black and white, rotoscope-animated drama from the Czech Republic, following a middle-aged train dispatcher plagued by haunting visions of the deceased. An adaptation of the graphic novel by Jaroslav Rudiš and Jaromír 99.
"Alois works in the Sudeten, the mountainous region along the Czech borders with Germany and Poland. It is 1989, and the radio is full of news of border crossings in Berlin as the wall starts to come down. Alois, shuffling around the station, his face grim, looks as if he has seen it all — little excites him. He is used to solitude and getting on with life. But as fog and rain swirl around the station, he finds himself haunted by the past, especially the events at the end of the Second World War. Tortured by these memories, he ends up in a sanatorium. When he is released, he finds that the world has changed: the communist regime has evaporated, and so has his job. But hope arrives in the miraculous form of a woman." (Toronto International Film Festival 2011)
Alois Nebel | Details
- Runtime
- 84
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Czech Republic, Germany