Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton and Sanaa Lathan must prevent a World War in this action thriller from the director of...
Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton and Sanaa Lathan must prevent a World War in this action thriller from the director of Kill the Messenger.
Follows the rise of Mitch Rapp (O’Brien), a CIA black ops recruit under the instruction of Cold War veteran Stan Hurley (Keaton). The pair is then enlisted by CIA Deputy Director Irene Kennedy (Lathan) to investigate a wave of apparently random attacks on both military and civilian targets. Together the three discover a pattern in the violence leading them to a joint mission with a lethal Turkish agent (Shiva Negar) to stop a mysterious operative (Taylor Kitsch) intent on starting a World War in the Middle East.
Where to watch American Assassin
American Assassin | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, cruelty & offensive language
- Runtime
- 111
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin