The inter-connected lives of four people desperate to leave their Chinese town are explored in this posthumously released drama from...
The inter-connected lives of four people desperate to leave their Chinese town are explored in this posthumously released drama from Hu Bo, which won Best First Feature Award at the Berlinale.
"Over the course of nearly four hours, An Elephant Sitting Still delves deeply into the lives of these four protagonists; each in a terrible situation. A young man severely injures a school bully after pushing him down a staircase. His classmate, neglected by her mother, is having an unfortunate affair with a school teacher. A man witnesses and is tormented by a suicide, while an elderly man is being forced into a home by his son. These four damaged people set their sights on the city of Manzhouli, where the eponymous elephant sits still, oblivious to the world." (Sydney Film Festival)
An Elephant Sitting Still | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Best First Feature Award, 2018 Berlin International Film Festival
- Rating
- RP16, Violence, sexual material, suicide & offensive language
- Runtime
- 230
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- China