Fantastical anime drama interweaving the dreams and reality of a high school girl who turns into a brave sci-fi princess...
Fantastical anime drama interweaving the dreams and reality of a high school girl who turns into a brave sci-fi princess when she sleeps.
"High school senior Morikawa Kokone can fall asleep anytime, anywhere. In a series of strange dreams while napping, she travels to Heartland and becomes Ancien – a brave princess with a magic computer tablet, a feisty sidekick and an appetite for adventure. Her waking life is equally full of daring escapades. Her mechanic father Momotaro, a man of very few words, finds himself in unexpected trouble, and it’s up to Kokone to come to his rescue. When events in Heartland begin to parallel her waking world, Kokone realises that unravelling the mystery of her dreams may reveal the key to her challenges in the real world." (New Zealand International Film Festival)
Ancien and the Magic Tablet | Details
- Rating
- PG, Violence
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Drama, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- Japan