Oliver Stone’s balls-to-the-wall gridiron epic, a multi-character study presenting televised sport as the modern day gladiatorial arena. Follows a hefty...
Oliver Stone’s balls-to-the-wall gridiron epic, a multi-character study presenting televised sport as the modern day gladiatorial arena. Follows a hefty battle between egos, traditions and loyalties as coach Tony D'Amato (Al Pacino) struggles to find the winning formula. While his aging quarterback (Dennis Quaid) recovers from injury, D'Amato is put under the pump from new owner (Cameron Diaz) to produce results and hire exciting young talent, like Steamin' Willie Beamen (Jamie Foxx).
Where to watch Any Given Sunday
Any Given Sunday | Details
- Rating
- M,
- Runtime
- 162
- Genre
- Drama, Sport
- Country of origin