"Jacques Malaterre's debut film following his acclaimed TV docu-fictions A Species' Odyssey (nominated for the 2003 European Film Award for...
"Jacques Malaterre's debut film following his acclaimed TV docu-fictions A Species' Odyssey (nominated for the 2003 European Film Award for Best Documentary) and Homo Sapiens retraces the history of a dying species - the Neanderthal - which disappeared 30 000 years ago, after 300 000 years of reign over the planet.
"Ao (Simon Paul Sutton) is a nomad who lives in harmony with nature and travels across Europe in search of survivors from his clan. Rejected by the groups he meets due to his ape-like features and colossal strength, he falls in love with a Homo sapien woman, Aki (Aruna Shields), who has been imprisoned by her tribe. Ao fights for his survival, and to protect his loved ones, but their biggest danger is the "Hyena-Men", a clan of the Homo sapiens that are out to exterminate him and his species.
"Adapted from Marc Klapczynski's novel Ao l'homme ancient, with a score composed by UK trip-hop artist Tricky."
Ao, The Last Neanderthal | Details
- Rating
- M, contains violence and sex scenes
- Runtime
- 84
- Genre
- Adventure, Drama
- Country of origin
- France