Inspired by a true story, this underdog legal drama follows a team of lawyers who take on the heads of...
Inspired by a true story, this underdog legal drama follows a team of lawyers who take on the heads of Argentina's bloody military dictatorship during the 1980s in a race against time.
Argentina, 1985 is inspired by the true story of public prosecutors Julio Strassera and Luis Moreno Ocampo, who dared to investigate and prosecute Argentina’s bloodiest military dictatorship in 1985. Undeterred by the military’s still considerable influence within their fragile new democracy, Strassera and Moreno Ocampo assembled a young legal team of unlikely heroes for their David-vs-Goliath battle. Under constant threat to themselves and their families, they raced against time to bring justice to the victims of the military junta.
Where to watch Argentina, 1985
Argentina, 1985 | Details
- Award winner
- Best Motion Picture (Non-English Language), Golden Globe 2023
- Runtime
- 140
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- USA, Argentina