Family drama from Australian filmmaker Greg Sneddon, set in the 1970s in remote Bhutan and filmed on location in the...
Family drama from Australian filmmaker Greg Sneddon, set in the 1970s in remote Bhutan and filmed on location in the Himalayas with a cast of locals.
Brother and sister Kuenphen and Jamyang are learning traditional archery (the national sport of Bhutan) from their old warrior grandfather. Their mother's sudden illness gives Kuenphen the opportunity to explore the world outside the village, while sister Jamyang must stay home to weave, cook and prepare for marriage. The story is inspired by the lives of local Olympic women’s archery heroes, Sherab Zam and Tshering Chhoden.
Arrows Of The Thunder Dragon | Details
- Rating
- PG,
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Drama, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Australia, Bhutan