Foul-mouthed alcoholic mall-Santa Billy Bob Thornton returns after Terry Zwigoff's hilarious 2003 black comedy. This sequel has long been in...
Foul-mouthed alcoholic mall-Santa Billy Bob Thornton returns after Terry Zwigoff's hilarious 2003 black comedy. This sequel has long been in the works, originally with director Steve Pink (Hot Tub Time Machine) attached. Production finally began in 2016 with Mark Waters (Mean Girls) in the director's chair. The Coen brothers, who did final rewrites of the 2003 script (but were uncredited), are not involved.
Where to watch Bad Santa 2
Bad Santa 2 | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, offensive language, sexual material & other content that may offend
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin