Director Tim Burton and actor Michael Keaton return in this stylised sequel to Batman’s 1989 feature film debut, pitting The...
Director Tim Burton and actor Michael Keaton return in this stylised sequel to Batman’s 1989 feature film debut, pitting The Caped Crusader against Danny DeVito’s devious Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer’s elusive Catwoman.
With The Joker out of harm’s way, Batman now faces The Penguin, a hideously deformed, sewer-dwelling chap who develops a malicious intent on forcing society to accept him. Also running amok is a mysterious and destructive thief, Catwoman, whose intentions are not as clear.
Burton and Pfeiffer were originally attached to a Catwoman spin-off. However, the film’s development was trapped in limbo for years. Eventually, it turned into Halle Berry’s disappointing Catwoman (2004).
Where to watch Batman Returns
Batman Returns | Details
- Rating
- PG, contains violence
- Runtime
- 126
- Genre
- Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller
- Country of origin