Documentary on American artist Wayne White. Raised in the mountains of Tennessee, Wayne White started his career as a cartoonist in...
Documentary on American artist Wayne White. Raised in the mountains of Tennessee, Wayne White started his career as a cartoonist in New York. He quickly found success as one of the creators of the TV show, Pee-wee’s Playhouse, which led to more work designing some of the most arresting and iconic images in pop culture. Most recently, his word paintings have made him a darling of the fine art world.
Beauty Is Embarrassing chronicles the vaulted highs and the crushing lows of a commercial artist struggling to find peace and balance between his work and his art. Acting as his own narrator, Wayne guides us through his life using moments from his latest creation: a hilarious, biographical one-man show. The pieces are drawn from performances at venues in Tennessee, New York and Los Angeles including the famous Roseland Ballroom and the Largo Theater. Features interviews with Simpson's creator Matt Groening and composer Mark Mothersbaugh amongst others.