Director André Téchiné's French drama depicts the complexities of teen life, as duelling classmates come together under one roof. Damien...
Director André Téchiné's French drama depicts the complexities of teen life, as duelling classmates come together under one roof. Damien and Thomas have a long-running feud, but when Thomas' mother goes to hospital, Damien's own mother insists they take his rival in.
"André Techiné has already taken part in the Berlinale Competition several times with films such as Les temps qui changent (2005) and Les témoins (2007). In Quand on a 17 ans he explores what it is like to grow up in different social environments in this portrait of two confused youths trying to govern their emotions. A rugged village in the mountains of south-western France as the seasons pass becomes the psychological landscape of the relationship between two young men which vacillates between disdain and attraction." (Berlin Film Festival)
Being 17 | Details
- Runtime
- 116
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- France