Independent, apocalyptic action-romance following two friends who spend their time building weapons and preparing for a future dystopian wasteland, in...
Independent, apocalyptic action-romance following two friends who spend their time building weapons and preparing for a future dystopian wasteland, in the hope a global armageddon will pave the way for their imaginary gang: 'Mother Medusa'. After premiering at Sundance 2011, writer-director Evan Goldell was heralded as a brave new talent - most notably by critic Roger Ebert who said the movie "possibly represents the debut of a one-of-a-kind filmmaker, a natural driven by wild energy, like Tarantino."
While waiting for the world to end, buddies Woodrow and Aiden's call to excitement comes unexpectedly when one of them meets a charismatic young woman and falls in love. Quickly integrated into a new group of friends, they set off on a journey of betrayal, love, infidelity and violence more devastating and fiery than any of their apocalyptic fantasies.
Where to watch Bellflower
Bellflower | Details
- Genre
- Action, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin