Online, Ben X is a high-scoring superhero with an arsenal of deadly weapons and a princess sweetheart named Scarlite. In...
Online, Ben X is a high-scoring superhero with an arsenal of deadly weapons and a princess sweetheart named Scarlite. In the real world, he finds life so unfathomable that even the simplest greeting from his mother induces a meltdown. First-time Belgian director Nic Balthazar takes us deep into both worlds.
We first meet Ben at home galloping through popular digital fantasy game ArchLord. But school for a boy diagnosed with everything from Asperger's Syndrome to hypersensitivity is a hellish nightmare of bullying and bewilderment. What happens to Ben there is gut-wrenchingly shocking, though it probably occurs daily in dozens of schools around the world without anyone batting an eyelid. [source: NZFF 08]
We first meet Ben at home galloping through popular digital fantasy game ArchLord. But school for a boy diagnosed with everything from Asperger's Syndrome to hypersensitivity is a hellish nightmare of bullying and bewilderment. What happens to Ben there is gut-wrenchingly shocking, though it probably occurs daily in dozens of schools around the world without anyone batting an eyelid. [source: NZFF 08]
Ben X | Details
- Award winner
- Berlin 2008
- Rating
- M, content may disturb
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Science Fiction
- Country of origin
- Belgium, The Netherlands