Starring and directed by Kevin Spacey, Beyond The Sea chronicles lounge crooner Bobby Darin. With drama and musical set-pieces, it...
Starring and directed by Kevin Spacey, Beyond The Sea chronicles lounge crooner Bobby Darin. With drama and musical set-pieces, it follows his ascent from '50s bubblegum pop to his tuxedo-clad heyday in the 60s, and hippy rebirth in the '70s.
A sickly boy, Walden Robert Cassotto (Ullrich) is told he'll never see his 15th birthday, sparking a quest for immortality that sees him become 'Bobby Darin' (Spacey): a chart-topping act with rock'n'roll ditty 'Splish Splash'. Not content with teen idol status, however, he turns to acting and meets screen darling Sandra Dee (Bosworth). She becomes his long-suffering wife, watching her own star plummet as Darin soars with an album of big band standards and even bags an Oscar nod. Nonetheless he remains unsatisfied, and his relentless ambition becomes the cause of old health problems resurfacing.
Beyond The Sea | Details
- Rating
- M, contains low level offensive language
- Runtime
- 118
- Genre
- Drama, Music, Musical, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- USA, Germany, UK