Michael Keaton (Batman) claimed a Golden Globe as the lead in this black comedy, from the director of 21 Grams, as a...
Michael Keaton (Batman) claimed a Golden Globe as the lead in this black comedy, from the director of 21 Grams, as a washed-up actor – known for portraying iconic superhero Birdman. Winner of four Academy Awards including Best Film and Director. Co-stars Emma Stone, Edward Norton, Naomi Watts and Zach Galifianakis.
Riggan Thomson (Keaton) starred in two Birdman movies before quitting and hitting career doldrums. His solution some two decades later is to adapt, direct, and star in a Broadway play based on a Raymond Carver short story. For this gamble to pay off, Thomson will have to deal with an impossibly difficult method actor co-star (Norton), an insecure actress (Watts), his current girlfriend (Riseborough), and recovering addict daughter (Stone). Not to mention the voice of Birdman, present in his most vulnerable moments to chip away at Thomson's ego, and offer generally unhelpful advice.
Where to watch Birdman
Birdman | Details
- Award winner
- Best Film, Director, Original Screenplay and Cinematography, Academy Awards 2015; Best Actor (Comedy/Musical) for Keaton and Best Screenplay, Golden Globes 2015; Best Cinematography and Editing, 2015 BAFTA Awards
- Rating
- R16, Violence, sexual references, offensive language & drug use
- Runtime
- 119
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- USA, France