Björk's Alexandra Palace London show in 2013 captured live, featuring every song from the album Biophilia. Directed by Nick Fenton...
Björk's Alexandra Palace London show in 2013 captured live, featuring every song from the album Biophilia. Directed by Nick Fenton and Peter Strickland (Berberian Sound Studio), the film is interspersed with animation and nature footage.
"From a mind unlike any other, Biophilia Live chronicles the multidimensional concert centred on the eighth studio album of avant-garde Icelandic artist Björk... The infinitely creative journey presents a culmination of work that represents one of the most original musical endeavours of a generation." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Björk: Biophilia Live | Details
- Rating
- Exempt,
- Runtime
- 97
- Genre
- Music
- Country of origin
- UK