
119 mins
Poster for BlackBerry

Matt Johnson (The Dirties) directs, co-writes, and stars in this rags-to-riches-to-rags story of the world's first smartphone—the BlackBerry. Co-stars Jay... More

Where to watch BlackBerry

BlackBerry is available to stream in New Zealand now on... More YouTube and Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Neon Rentals and AroVision and Prime Video Store.

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BlackBerry | Ratings & Reviews

Bouncy and funny

An origin story about a now-defunct device doesn’t sound like a hoot a minute. But Johnson makes it bouncy and funny, balancing character-oriented comedy with, in its own modest way, authoritative drama that before you know it creeps into serious messaging, as if arriving there organically. Read more

Luke Buckmaster

"Hugely entertaining."


"Lively, bittersweet."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"A geeky good time."

New York PostNew York Post

"Wickedly funny and kinetic."

Chicago Sun-TimesChicago Sun-Times

"The film’s charm is that it doesn’t take itself seriously at all. BlackBerry is more Office Space than Social Network."


"We all know the ending, but the fun is in finding out how we got there."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"Howerton brings something to BlackBerry... that goes above and beyond his usual lovable sociopath act. It’s not range. It’s rage."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"The film is a tad long, but (Johnson is) also shoving in a ton of story, and I love his extended cast..."

"BlackBerry is funny, fast and nerve-rattling. And it is always – always – intensely entertaining."

The Globe and MailThe Globe and Mail

"Howerton is the stand-out performer as the bullish Balsillie..."

Little White LiesLittle White Lies

"BlackBerry is the kind of mid-budget marvel that doesn’t seem to come around often anymore."


"Johnson brings his grimy, grungy vérité sensibilities to bear on a story that is part The Office, part The Social Network."

Austin ChronicleAustin Chronicle

"The cast’s respective strengths keep the third act from feeling like a wallow..."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"The outrageous, often quotable dialogue draws inspiration from Aaron Sorkin and David Mamet..."


"What keeps you watching is the enjoyable character work of the two leads."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"A relentless but addictive downbeat human comedy about the struggle to stay on top in a fast-moving industry."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"Johnson makes a complex matter easy to digest and extremely entertaining."


BlackBerry | Details

Comedy, Drama, True Story & Biography
Country of origin

BlackBerry | Trailers