The 100th film by Japanese master Takashi Miike is an irreverent and gory samurai film about a skilled warrior who...
The 100th film by Japanese master Takashi Miike is an irreverent and gory samurai film about a skilled warrior who attains immortality.
"Based on a popular manga and selected to screen at Cannes 2017, Blade of the Immortal is the story of Manji (Japanese heartthrob Takuya Kimura), a warrior who is cursed with immortality after a legendary battle. When his sister is killed, Manji takes brutal revenge on her killers. His own injuries are tended to by an 800-year-old nun, who also bestows upon Manji the power to self-heal. He finds himself unable to die until he has killed a very large number of evil men, and the scene is set for the bloody mayhem for which Miike is known and loved." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Blade of the Immortal
Blade of the Immortal | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence & sexual violence
- Runtime
- 140
- Genre
- Action
- Country of origin
- Japan, UK