Set against the backdrop of civil war in 1990's Sierra Leone and the African diamond industry, 'Blood Diamond' follows Danny...
Set against the backdrop of civil war in 1990's Sierra Leone and the African diamond industry, 'Blood Diamond' follows Danny Archer (DiCaprio) - a South African mercenary - and Solomon Vandy (Hounsou) - a Mende fisherman. Together, both fellas are on the dangerous hunt for a rare pink diamond, the value of which could transform their lives. While in prison for smuggling, Archer learns that Solomon - who was taken from his family and forced to work in the diamond fields - has found and hidden the extraordinary rough stone. With the help of an American journalist (Connelly), they embark on a trek through rebel territory, a journey that could save Solomon's family. From 'Last Samurai' director, Edward Swick.
Where to watch Blood Diamond
Blood Diamond | Details
- Rating
- R16, depicts graphic & realistic war scenes
- Runtime
- 143
- Genre
- Adventure, Thriller
- Country of origin