Action thriller that takes the conflict in the Middle East as its starting point, based on the novel...
Action thriller that takes the conflict in the Middle East as its starting point, based on the novel by Washington Post column David Ignatius and adapted for the screen by The Departed's William Monahan. Roger Ferris (DiCaprio) is a CIA operative tasked to track down an Al Qaeda leader in Jordan. To see his plan through he must earn the backing of the reluctant, Jordan based CIA vet Ed Hoffman (Crowe) as well as members of the Jordanian government. The only way to complete the mission is too entrust his life to these people, thought it becomes apparent he cannot fully trust them.
Where to watch Body of Lies
Body of Lies | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence & Offensive Language
- Runtime
- 129
- Genre
- Thriller, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin