The feature debut from Australian director Nicholas Verso is a coming of age drama that featured at both the 2016...
The feature debut from Australian director Nicholas Verso is a coming of age drama that featured at both the 2016 Toronto and Venice Film Festivals.
"The year is 1997. Corey (Toby Wallace) and Jonah (Gulliver McGrath) were friends when they were little, but the cruel caprices of adolescence gradually rendered Jonah a pariah while Corey was welcomed into a fold of skateboarding bullies. Halloween arrives, and Corey's friends get suited up for a night of weed smoking, drinking, vandalism, and girl chasing — in other words, business as usual. But Corey, who can no longer countenance the skaters' merciless harassment of Jonah, winds up taking on a very different itinerary. He finds Jonah and together the boys go on an all-night trek that's half descent into old fears and nightmares, half reckoning with the future." (Toronto International Film Festival)
Boys in the Trees | Details
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- Australia