Deadpan comedy from Jim Jarmusch and starring Bill Murray (at the peak of his renaissance, following collaborations with Wes Anderson...
Deadpan comedy from Jim Jarmusch and starring Bill Murray (at the peak of his renaissance, following collaborations with Wes Anderson and Sofia Coppola). An anonymous letter arrives at former ladies' man Don's (Murray) door, informing him he has a grown-up son who may be searching for him. Egged on by his wannabe-private eye neighbour (Jeffrey Wright), he embarks on a cross-country journey in search of his former flames (including Sharon Stone, Jessica Lange and Tilda Swinton) who could possibly be the mother.
Where to watch Broken Flowers
Broken Flowers | Details
- Award winner
- Grand Prize of the Jury winner at Cannes Film Festival 2005
- Rating
- M, Offensive language and nudity
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin