Documentary that tracks the progress of a champion chess team from a poor public school in Brooklyn, raising the school’s...
Documentary that tracks the progress of a champion chess team from a poor public school in Brooklyn, raising the school’s status to one of New York City’s finest.
Brooklyn Castle follows five of the chess team members at an inner-city school over the course of a year. Justus is a prodigiously talented 10-year-old trying to navigate the unfamiliar pressures that come with the newfound adulation. 11-year-old Patrick struggles with ADHD and uses chess to improve his concentration. Alexis, 12, already views chess as a means to attain a higher education and support his immigrant family. Rochelle, 13, strives to become the first African-American female to reach the level of Chess Master. And the team’s emotional and outspoken leader, 12-year-old Pobo, rallies his fellow students against school budget cuts while running for school president.