A village comedy with satirical bite and a pensive undertow, California Dreamin' (Endless) personalises American intervention in the Balkans. The...
A village comedy with satirical bite and a pensive undertow, California Dreamin' (Endless) personalises American intervention in the Balkans. The exceptional new generation of Romanian filmmakers suffered a terrible blow when its 27-year-old Wunderkind Cristian Nemescu died in a car crash before he'd completed editing this, his first feature.
In 1999, a convoy of U.S. soldiers, en route to Kosovo, is detained in a Romanian village by a despotic stationmaster (they're missing the necessary paperwork); with most of the locals, from the mayor to the high school's female population, intent on 'seducing' the Americans, culture-clash tragicomedy ensues. [NZFF08]
In 1999, a convoy of U.S. soldiers, en route to Kosovo, is detained in a Romanian village by a despotic stationmaster (they're missing the necessary paperwork); with most of the locals, from the mayor to the high school's female population, intent on 'seducing' the Americans, culture-clash tragicomedy ensues. [NZFF08]
California Dreamin' (Endless) | Details
- Award winner
- Un Certain Regard Prize, Cannes Film Festival 2007
- Rating
- R16, violence, offensive language, sex scenes
- Runtime
- 155
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama
- Country of origin
- Romania