Filmmaker Luca Guadagnino (A Bigger Splash) directs this 1983-set tale of a blooming intimacy between two young people who share...
Filmmaker Luca Guadagnino (A Bigger Splash) directs this 1983-set tale of a blooming intimacy between two young people who share the summer together. Newcomer Timothée Chalamet, whose performance earned him an Oscar nomination, plays a young man who experiences his first earth-shattering love when he encounters visiting scholar Armie Hammer (The Lone Ranger). Adapted from Andre Aciman's novel by costume-drama vet James Ivory, who won an Oscar for the screenplay.
Entering awards season strongly, Call Me by Your Name was nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards, Best Motion Picture - Drama at the Golden Globes (along with acting nominations for Chalamet and Hammer), won at festivals and other awards shows, and has been selected by the National Board of Review and American Film Institute as one of the top 10 films of 2017.
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Call Me by Your Name | Details
- Award winner
- Best Adapted Screenplay, Academy Awards 2018
- Rating
- RP13, Sex scenes
- Runtime
- 131
- Genre
- Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- Italy, France, Brazil, USA