Kristen Stewart stars in this Guantanamo Bay drama as a newly-assigned soldier, who strikes up an unusual friendship with a...
Kristen Stewart stars in this Guantanamo Bay drama as a newly-assigned soldier, who strikes up an unusual friendship with a detainee. Peyman Maadi (A Separation) plays the imprisoned man, who has been kept in lockdown for eight years. Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival.
"A young woman joins the military to be part of something bigger than herself and her small-town roots. Instead, she ends up as a new guard at Guantanamo Bay, where her mission is far from black and white. Surrounded by hostile jihadists and aggressive squadmates, she gets to know one of the detainees. As two people on opposite sides of a war, they struggle to find their way through the ethical quagmire of Guantanamo Bay. In the process, they form an unlikely bond that changes them both." (Sundance Film Festival)
Camp X-Ray | Details
- Rating
- M, Offensive language
- Runtime
- 113
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin