One Saturday in prohibition-era Los Angeles, a woman's nine-year-old son is kidnapped. Months later, amidst a tsunami of press...
One Saturday in prohibition-era Los Angeles, a woman's nine-year-old son is kidnapped. Months later, amidst a tsunami of press interest, the cops triumphantly bring her a boy they claim is her missing child. But it's not really him. In trying to uncover the truth of what's going on, the woman is ridiculed, labelled as delusional and thrown into an asylum. Only a local crusading pastor is willing to help her fight to expose the LAPD's lies and corruption.
It's another tumultuous Oscar-botherer from director Clint Eastwood, with Angelina Jolie unleashing the tears as Christine Collins, the vilified mom in search of her boy, and John Malkovich as her ally Reverend Briegleb. Shockingly enough, it's a true story.
Where to watch Changeling
Changeling | Details
- Rating
- R16, contains violence and content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 140
- Genre
- Drama, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin