A young girl and her supernaturally gifted friends go on a magical adventure under the sea in this anime adaptation...
A young girl and her supernaturally gifted friends go on a magical adventure under the sea in this anime adaptation of Daisuke Igarashi’s manga.
"When Ruka is suspended from her school handball team, she decides to visit her father, who works at an aquarium. She soon meets and befriends Umi, a boy who seems at one with the ocean and has the ability to communicate with sea creatures. She also meets his older brother, the sickly and haughty Sora. Together they notice a song of the sea that's luring all types of sea creatures away from their natural habitats. And Ruka discovers that her affinity with the sea is far greater than she imagined." (Sydney Film Festival)
Where to watch Children of the Sea
Children of the Sea | Details
- Rating
- PG, Coarse language
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- Japan