Audrey Tautou and Romain Duris star in this French romantic comedy, set in New York and from the director of The...
Audrey Tautou and Romain Duris star in this French romantic comedy, set in New York and from the director of The Spanish Apartment. After his wife and kids leave him, Xavier (Duris) follows them to the Big Apple. There his adventure unfolds: from fathering a child for a lesbian couple and marrying a Chinese-American to get papers, to reigniting a flame with his first love.
Chinese Puzzle serves as the third in writer/director Cédric Klapisch's 'Spanish Apartment trilogy', all following the romantic exploits of Romain Duris' Xavier character.
Where to watch Chinese Puzzle
Chinese Puzzle | Details
- Rating
- M, offensive language, sexual references & nudity
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country of origin
- France