Comedy loosely based on The Art of Comedy by Eduardo de Filippo and his translation of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Stars...
Comedy loosely based on The Art of Comedy by Eduardo de Filippo and his translation of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Stars Sergio Rubini.
A shipwreck makes for strange stage-fellows when a group of convicted Camorra criminals and a ragtag company of actors wash up together on the Mediterranean prison island where warden DeCaro (Fantastichini) lives with his restless daughter, Miranda (Bellugi). When the gangsters infiltrate the theatrical troupe, DeCaro commands them to put on a performance of 'The Tempest' in order to separate the thugs from the thespians.
CIFF: La Stoffa dei Sogni (The Stuff of Dreams) | Details
- Rating
- PG, Low level violence & offensive language
- Runtime
- 110
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin
- Italy